Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Old Age Problem Essay

The elderly population in India is continuously increasing and also the problems faced by these people are increasing simultaneously. The number of people in old age homes is constantly increasing and also most of the parents are now deciding to live in old age homes rather than living with their children. Nowadays these people are facing the problems like lack of care, emotional support and economic support from the family etc. Our culture recognizes the status of the parents as that of God. A moral duty is put on the children to take care of their parents. But nowadays what we are observing in our society is that the children are not willing to take care of their parents, they do not want to spend money on them, they are treating their parents as aliens, they do not want to share an emotional bond with parents. These children are forgetting that the foundation of their life is built up by the parents. They are forgetting their moral and ethical duties towards their parents. This is because of fast life, industrialization, money oriented minds, inflation etc. Children have no time to look after their parents because of their busy schedule and as a  consequence of this situation the elders are getting neglected. At this age almost all the people need some kind of support. Definition Elderly or old age consists of ages nearing or surpassing the average life span of human beings. The boundary of old age cannot be defined exactly because it does not have the same meaning in all societies. Government of India adopted ‘National Policy on Older Persons’ in January, 1999. The policy defines ‘senior citizen’ or ‘elderly’ as a person who is of age 60 years or above. Characteristic of old age Poor eyesight Hard of hearing Grey/ White hair Wrinkles Cardigans Suspicious of technology Slower movements More likely to suffer from diseases Weaker immune system Social cause of old age problem Failing Health It has been said that â€Å"we start dying the day we are born†. The aging process is synonymous with failing health. While death in young people in countries such as India is mainly due to infectious diseases, older people are mostly vulnerable to non-communicable diseases. Failing health due to advancing age is complicated by non-availability to good quality, age-sensitive, health care for a large proportion of older persons in the country. In addition, poor accessibility and reach, lack of information and knowledge and/or high costs of disease management make reasonable elder care beyond the reach of older persons, especially those who are poor and disadvantaged. To address the issue of failing health, it is of prime importance that good quality health care be made available and accessible to the elderly in an  age-sensitive manner. Health services should address preventive measures keeping in mind the diseases that affect – or are likely to affect – the communities in a particular geographical region. In addition, effective care and support is required for those elderly suffering from various diseases through primary, secondary and tertiary health care systems. The cost (to the affected elderly individual or family) of health has to be addressed so that no person is denied necessary health care for financial reasons. Rehabilitation, community or home based disability support and end-of-life care should also be provided where needed, in a holistic manner, to effectively address the issue to failing health among the elderly. Economic insecurity Economic security is as relevant for the elderly as it is for those of any other age group. Those who are unable to generate an adequate income should be facilitated to do so. As far as possible, elderly who are capable, should be encouraged, and if necessary, supported to be engaged in some economically productive manner. Others who are incapable of supporting themselves should be provided with partial or full social welfare grants that at least provide for their basic needs. Families and communities may be encouraged to support the elderly living with them through counseling and local self-governance. Neglect The elderly, especially those who are weak and/or dependent, require physical, mental and emotional care and support. When this is not provided, they suffer from neglect, a problem that occurs when a person is left uncared for and that is often linked with isolation. Changing lifestyles and values, demanding jobs, distractions such as television, a shift to nuclear family structures and redefined priorities have led to increased neglect of the elderly by families and communities. This is worsened as the elderly are less likely to demand attention than those of other age groups. The best way to address neglect of the elderly is to counsel families, sensitise community leaders and address the issue at all levels in different forums, including the print and audio-visual media. Schools and work places offer  opportunities where younger generations can be addressed in groups. Government and non-government agencies need to take this issue up seriously at all these levels. In extreme situ ations, legal action and rehabilitation may be required to reduce or prevent the serious consequences of the problem Isolation Isolation, or a deep sense of loneliness, is a common complaint of many elderly is the feeling of being isolated. While there are a few who impose it on themselves, isolation is most often imposed purposefully or inadvertently by the families and/or communities where the elderly live. Isolation is a terrible feeling that, if not addressed, leads to tragic deterioration of the quality of life. It is important that the elderly feel included in the goings-on around them, both in the family as well as in society. Those involved in elder care, especially NGOs in the field, can play a significant role in facilitating this through counseling of the individual, of families, sensitization of community leaders and group awareness or group counseling sessions. Activities centered on older persons that involve their time and skills help to inculcate a feeling of inclusion. Some of these could also be directly useful for the families and the communities Fear Many older persons live in fear. Whether rational or irrational, this is a relevant problem face by the elderly that needs to be carefully and effectively addressed. Elderly who suffer from fear need to be reassured. Those for whom the fear is considered to be irrational need to be counseled and, if necessary, may be treated as per their needs. In the case of those with real or rational fear, the cause and its preventive measures needs to be identified followed by appropriate action where and when possible. Current statistics related to the old age problem †¢ The elderly population (aged 60 years or above) account for 7.4% of total population in 2001. For males it was marginally lower at 7.1%, while for females it was 7.8%. Among states the proportion vary from around 4% in  small states like Dadra & Nagar Haveli, Nagaland Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya to more than 10.5% in Kerala. †¢ Both the share and size of elderly population is increasing over time. From 5.6% in 1961 it is projected to rise to 12.4% of population by the year 2026. †¢ The sex ratio among elderly people was as high as 1028 in 1951 but subsequently dropped to about 938 in 1971 and finally reached 972 in 2001. †¢ The life expectancy at birth during 2002-06 was 64.2 for females as against 62.6 years for males. At age 60 average remaining length of life was found to be about 18 years (16.7 for males, 18.9 for females) and that at age 70 was less than 12 years (10.9 for males and 12.4 for females). †¢ There is sharp rise in age-specific death rate with age from 20 (per thousand) for persons in age group 60-64 years to 80 among those aged 75- 79 years and 200 for persons aged more than 85 years. †¢ The old-age dependency ratio climbed from 10.9% in 1961 to 13.1% in 2001 for India as a whole. For females and males the value of the ratio was 13.8% and 12.5% in 2001. †¢ About 65 per cent of the aged had to depend on others for their day-to-day maintenance. Less than 20% of elderly women but majority of elderly men were economically independent. †¢ Among economically dependent elderly men 6-7% were financially supported by their spouses, almost 85% by their own children, 2% by grand children and 6% by others. Of elderly women, less than 20% depended on their spouses, more than 70% on their children, 3% on grand children and 6% or more on others including the non-relations. Situation Analysis of The Elderly in India, 2011 †¢ Of the economically independent men more than 90% as against 65 % of women were reported to have one or more dependants. †¢ Mong the rural elderly persons almost 50% had a monthly per capita expenditure level between Rs. 420 to Rs. 775 and among the urban elderly persons, almost half of aged had monthly per capita expenditure between Rs. 665 and 1500 in 2002. †¢ Nearly 40% of persons aged 60 years and above (60% of men and 19% of women) were working. In rural areas 66% of elderly men and above 23% of aged women were still participating in economic activity, while in urban areas only 39% of elderly men and about 7% of elderly women were economically active. †¢ Even in 2007-08 only 50% men and 20% of women aged 60 years or more were literate through formal schooling. †¢ In rural areas 55 % of the aged with sickness and 77 % of those without sickness felt that they were in a good or fair condition of health. In urban areas the respective proportions were 63 % and  78 %. †¢ The proportion of elderly men and women physically mobile decline from about 94% in the age-group 60 – 64 years to about 72% for men and 63 to 65% for women of age 80 or more. †¢ Prevalence of heart diseases among elderly population was much higher in urban areas than in rural parts. †¢ About 64 per thousand elderly persons in rural areas and 55 per thousand in urban areas suffer from one or more disabilities. Most common disability among the aged persons was loco motor disability as 3% of them suffer from it. †¢ In age-groups beyond 60 years, the percentage of elderly women married was markedly lower than the percentage of men married. †¢ More than 75% of elderly males and less than 40% of elderly females live with their spouse. Less than 20% of aged men and about half of the women live with their children. Solution and remedial measure to solve old age problem 1 Administrative set-up The Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, which is the nodal Ministry for this purpose focuses on policies and programmes for the Senior Citizens in close collaboration with State governments, Non-Governmental Organisations and civil society. The programmes aim at their welfare and maintenance, especially for indigent senior citizens, by supporting old age homes, day care centres, mobile medicare units, etc. 2 Relevant Constitutional Provisions Article 41 of the Constitution provides that the State shall, within the limits of its economic capacity and development, make effective provision for securing the right to work, to education and to public assistance in cases of unemployment, old age, sickness and disablement, and in other cases of undeserved want. Further, Article 47 provides that the State shall regard the raising of the level of nutrition and the standard of living of its people and the improvement of public health as among its primary duties 3 Legislations The Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act, 2007 was enacted in December 2007, to ensure need based maintenance for parents and senior citizens and their welfare. General improvement in the health care  facilities over the years is one of the main reasons for continuing increase in proportion of population of senior citizens. Ensuring that they not merely live longer, but lead a secure, dignified and productive life is a major challenge. 4 National Policy on Older Persons (NPOP), 1999 The National Policy on Older Persons (NPOP) was announced in January 1999 to reaffirm the commitment to ensure the well-being of the older persons. The Policy envisages State support to ensure financial and food security, health care, shelter and other needs of older persons, equitable share in development, protection against abuse and exploitation, and availability of services to improve the quality of their lives. The primary objectives are: †¢ to encourage individuals to make provision for their own as well as their spouse’s old age; †¢ to encourage families to take care of their older family members; Situation Analysis of The Elderly in India, 2011 †¢ to enable and support voluntary and non-governmental organizations to supplement the care provided by the family; †¢ to provide care and protection to the vulnerable elderly people; †¢ to provide adequate healthcare facility to the elderly; †¢ to promote research and training facilities to train geriatric care givers and organizers of services for the elderly; †¢ to create awareness regarding elderly persons to help them lead productive and independent live. The Implementation Strategy adopted for operationalisation of National Policy envisages the following: †¢ Preparation of Plan of Action for operationalisation of the National policy. †¢ Setting up of separate Bureau for Older Persons in Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment. †¢ Setting up of Directorates of Older Persons in the States. †¢ Three Yearly Public Review of implementation of policy. †¢ Setting up of a National Council for Older Persons headed by Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment from Central Ministry, states, Non-Official members representing NGOs, Academic bodies, Media and experts as members †¢ Establishment of Autonomous National Association of Older Persons †¢ Encouraging the participation of local self-government 5 National Council for Older Persons In pursuance of the NPOP, a National Council for Older Persons (NCOP) was constituted in 1999 under the Chairpersonship of the Minister for Social Justice and Empowerment to oversee implementation of the Policy. The NCOP is the highest body to advise the Government in the formulation and implementation of policy and programmes for the aged. The Council was re-constituted in 2005 with members comprising Central and State governments representatives, representatives of NGOs, citizen’s groups, retired person’s associations, and experts in the field of law, social welfare, and medicine. 6 Inter-Ministerial Committee on Older Persons An Inter-Ministerial Committee on Older Persons comprising twenty-two Ministries/ Departments, and headed by the Secretary, Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment is another coordination mechanism in implementation of the NPOP. Action Plan on ageing issues for implementation by various Ministries/ Departments concerned is considered from time to time by the Committee. 8 Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act, 2007 24 Situation Analysis of The Elderly in India, 2011 The Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act, 2007 was enacted in December 2007 to ensure need based maintenance for parents and senior citizens and their welfare. The Act provides for:- †¢ Maintenance of Parents/ senior citizens by children/ relatives made obligatory and justiciable through Tribunals †¢ Revocation of transfer of property by senior citizens in case of negligence by relatives †¢ Penal provision for abandonment of senior citizens †¢ Establishment of Old Age Homes for Indigent Senior Citizens †¢ Adequate medical facilities and security for Senior Citizens The Act has to be brought into force by individual State Government. As on 3.2.2010, the Act had been notified by 22 States and all UTs. The Act is not applicable to the State of Jammu & Kashmir, while Himachal Pradesh has its own Act for Senior Citizens. The remaining States yet to notify the Act are – Bihar, Meghalaya, Sikkim and Uttar Pradesh. 9 Central Sector Scheme of Integrated Programme for Older Persons (IPOP) An Integrated Programme for Older Persons (IPOP) is  being implemented since 1992 with the objective of improving the quality of life of senior citizens by providing basic amenities like shelter, food, medical care and entertainment opportunities and by encouraging productive and active ageing through providing support for capacity building of Government/ Non- Governmental Organizations/Panchayati Raj Institutions/ local bodie s and the Community at large. Under the Scheme, financial assistance up to 90% of the project cost is provided to nongovernmental organizations for establishing and maintaining old age homes, day care centres and mobile medicare units. The Scheme has been made flexible so as to meet the diverse needs of older persons including reinforcement and strengthening of the family, awareness generation on issues pertaining to older persons, popularization of the concept of lifelong preparation for old age, facilitating productive ageing, etc. The Scheme has been revised w.e.f. 1.4.2008. Besides increase in amount of financial assistance forexisting projects, several innovative projects have been added as being eligible for assistance under the Scheme. Some of these are: †¢ Maintenance of Respite Care Homes and Continuous Care Homes; †¢ Running of Day Care Centres for Alzheimer’s Disease/Dementia Patients, †¢ Physiotherapy Clinics for older persons; †¢ Help-lines and Counseling Centres for older persons; †¢ Sensitizing programmes for children particularly in Schools and Colleges; †¢ Regional Resource and Training Centres of Caregivers to the older persons; †¢ Awareness Generation Programmes for Older Persons and Care Givers; †¢ Formation of Senior Citizens Associations etc. Situation Analysis of The Elderly in India, 2011 The eligibility criteria for beneficiaries of some important activities/ projects supported under the Scheme are: †¢ Old Age Homes – for destitute older persons †¢ Mobile Medicare Units – for older persons living in slums, rural and inaccessible areas where proper health facilities are not available. †¢ Respite Care Homes and Continuous Care Homes – for older persons seriously ill requiring continuous nursing care and respite. During 2007-08, Government has spent more than 16 crores of rupees for assisting 660 such Programmes around the country which covered around fifty thousand beneficiaries. 10 Assistance for Construction of Old Age Homes A Non-Plan Scheme of Assistance to Panchayati Raj Institutions/ Voluntary Organisations/ Self Help Groups for Construction of Old Age Homes/ Multi Service Centres for Older Persons was started in 1996-97. Grant-in-aid to the extent of 50% of the construction cost subject to a maximum of Rs. 15 lakhs was given under the Scheme. However, the Scheme was not found attractive by implementing agencies and was discontinued at the end of the X Plan (2006-07). Section 19 of the Maintenance & Welfare of Parents & Senior Citizens Act 2007 envisages a provision of at least old age home for indigent senior citizens with 150 capacities in every district of the country. A new Scheme for giving assistance for Establishment of Old Age Homes for Indigent Senior Citizens in pursuance of the said provision is under formulation. 11 International Day of Older Persons The International Day of Older Persons is celebrated every year on 1st October. On1.10.2009, the Hon’ble Minister of Social Justice & Empowerment flagged off â€Å"Walkathon† at Rajpath, India Gate, to promote inter-generational bonding. More than 3000 senior citizens from across Delhi, NGOs working in the field of elderly issues, and school children from different schools participated. Help age India, New Delhi collaborated with the Ministry in organizing the event of the day. . Action taken by trainee for solving the problem Give awareness program should be conducted for the parents and children Parents should aware about their children proper growth .Then only they can be understood about the value of their parents Physiotherapy Clinics for older persons; Help-lines and Counseling Centers for older persons; Sensitizing programs for children particularly in Schools and Colleges; Regional Resource and Training Centers of Caregivers to the older persons; Awareness Generation Programs for Older Persons and Care Givers Be a role model by caring aged persons in their all needs Comments and suggestion Elderly or old age consists of ages nearing or surpassing the average life span of human beings. The boundary of old age cannot be defined exactly because it does not have the same meaning in all societies. People can be considered old because of certain changes in their activities or social roles. Also old people have limited regenerative abilities and are more prone to disease, syndromes, and sickness as compared to other adults. The medical study of the aging process is called gerontology and the study of diseases that afflict the elderly is geriatrics. Nowadays the number of old age homes are increasing. Reasons for this rapid increasing are improper caring their children, unrespectable to their own parents, aim only to be earn money, parents become burden and time of loss in their lives, aged people may have many diseases etc†¦.. Conclusion Aged people are really like children in their old age. When they have enough strength they gave care for their children and when they grew they avoid their parents because of their neat less performance towards others. We should understand their needs and have obligation to care aged persons. It is not only our duty but also our need. They may have many problems in their life that because of their age. They cannot avoid these problems themselves but it is the problems of this stage of growth. So we should care our parents as our gifts and become a role model for others. It is the collection of good deeds in our lives. So be proud about our parents.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Economic And Social Aspects Of Sustainable Buildings Environmental Sciences Essay

Society, environment and economic system are the major three dimensions to prolong the quality of justness, instruction, diversion and engagement by the community and in short to ease the life of an person. The UK has adapted new designs for bettering the qualities of edifices and is seeking to play back the response from the UK authorities and the stakeholders are later, puting in new undertakings in other states excessively. Following these stairss, solve many jobs and construct new rules of lodging policies for authorities. Homes and communities website provinces that those places are sustainable which low-cost and practical designs are. These places create an environment which attracts people to populate in and bask life and work. These designs should be environment-friendly and should non harm the planet by C emanation and increasing waste. It is the statutory responsibility of HCA to work to prolong and lend towards keeping and bettering the qualities and designs of the places in such a manner that we may put and enable it to be feasible. Our visions should be clear and be as: Local work: invest in designs and procedures which are effectual and aid and back up the five stairss which we and our spouses have adapted to prolong development ( procurement/ visioning/ integrated construction/design/legacy ) . This can enable them to better quality of life and present low-cost places with best quality for bing and future communities. Make the pick of the bureaus who are presenting the work of your local governments, be their spouses and assist them raise their aspiration about sustainable developments. Take the thoughts and sentiments of the local communities, so that it is known that in which environment they want to populate in. The monetary value of sustainable lodging should be low-cost in both long term and short term degree bring forthing the best quality. To run into today ‘s demand without seting a sedate consequence on hereafter ‘s feasible solutions, has ever been a critical of import point in sustainability. Its application is slow and has been an issue for many old ages. The major focal point of the undertakings is to hold immense ultra-green lodging whose reproduction is rather hard. A true sustainable undertaking should be one which discusses and considers all economic, environmental and societal issues and besides in the bounds of affordability. No via medias can be made in such undertakings, and may besides consequence have to be applied to such aggregate undertakings of edifices. This has the biggest impact on the environment. It is a mass demand of the UK to hold new edifices with new designs and besides to upgrade the old 1s. They should hold a proper program which considers all following long term pros and cons and impacts on the future undertakings in the associated environment. The cardinal precedence of every authorities in this quickly altering environment into a fast urbanizing universe is to supply the universe with low-cost and equal lodging services. The pressing issues like urban divide, bars from slums, human and economic development, and climatic alteration are though, to be kept in head. Now lodging is non merely a roof on an person ‘s caput but a new envisaged thought as sustainable development has been introduced and has started pitching its prominence in developing states excessively. In these states, the aspects are non though discussed in their incorporate policies. Pro-poor lodging plans are besides introduced, which do non concentrate on the precedences of the occupants, or are in locations which are distant and besides have hapless criterions with little support schemes. An impact is put on the environment and a footmark of C is besides amplified and this creative activity is in rapid lodging societies. Though in developing metropoli ss a nice manner is adapted and the authorities is still taking this measure as a load to society. Key considerations and constructs have to be adopted that outline the underpinning thoughts and provides a model comprehensive plenty to plan sustainable lodging plans and policies to supply with actions which are practical excessively. These policies should cover with these subjects like civilization, societal justness, affordability, and impacts on the economic system and do the life of occupants ; vicinities and healthy metropoliss. These solutions can so cut down many jobs related to urbanisation and besides the growing of these metropoliss with the decreasing services of energy in these countries. Inclusive, participatory, and well-designed lodging plans and policies offer a batch to the improved economic system ( Oleg Golubchikov and Anna Badyina ) . In planning, planing, edifice, restituting and keeping places, lodging development with sustainable and smart programs is a good pattern. This makes them prolong economic system, environment and societal. The demand of the houses as listed by the people, defines the aims of the designs of the development. These shows the demands of the people every bit good as their thoughts which can increase the life of lodging, lessening cost, and besides cut down societal and environmental impacts. This is the purpose at private sector to maintain the supply changeless. This besides provides a leading to the building industry and lodging designs for residential countries. For a sustainable lodging these factors should be the portion of the program as the freedom of motion of the resident, safety and security have a less cost ( i.e. low-cost ) and less a usage of resources which are completing in today ‘s universe like H2O and electricity ( energy ) . This topographic point can so run into the demands of the household and is categorized as smart lodging for all phases of an person ‘s life ( Queensland section of public plants ) . Literature Review Assorted related diaries, studies, publications and text editions have been used to garner the literature reappraisal. Many constructs and theories have been discussed in this subdivision which revolves around the life and work patterns and relates to past surveies. Sustainable Housing The quality of life is perceived to be high when an estate has a lodging system with perfect single houses and so this direction secures the position of an urban country, including occupations and instruction. This is a responsibility that probationary institute serves society with nice lodging systems. A lodging which has no offense and uses less energy than other systems is meant by this. In the countries like personal well being, dependance and societal coherence, sustainable lodging and nice lodging are indispensable. Architecture is besides an of import portion and professions ; particularly RIBA has been making an consequence of arousing people to accommodate this construct. Housing is an kernel of economic and cultural strength as it fortifies societies, as it raises the society and restrains it from others. However, in this century lodging is considered to be best and atrocious at the same clip due to the businesss of the UK occupants. Therefore, there is a lack of earnestness towards keeping the lodging of unsloped value. In 1998, the authorities takes enterprises to supply the significance of development of society, with some chances in its support. In this respect, the developers and designers and other residents have to pay attending to these chances when their lodging is traveling through tensed state of affairss ( Brian Edward and David Trent 2000 ) . An designer has to plan the edifices to prolong the societies but they need to analyze that bearable societies can non easy construct up while there are other parts which should be considered like landscape design, route layout and lodging type. It has been discussed earlier that lodging is an mutuality factor and can impact any person because it helps in edifice society, environment and the economic system. In malice of this, assorted little or big corporations and authoritiess are seeking their best to work out the un-maintainable occurrences taking topographic point in the lodging of the people. A sustainable development of society is non cut downing this jeopardy and the moralities of sustainable development play a polar function in taking to do an distinction lodging ( Lee Ann Nicol, 2013 ) . Required Elementss to guarantee that more new Housing is built in Urban Land Some significant actions should be taken to better the sustainable lodging development on the metropolitan countries for the advancement of the metropolis and the democracy planning system. The investings for the development could be improved by the site acquisition ; decontamination and the substructure of the proviso were sold. The development of these investings has been increased by the rise in the English partnership hard currency investings in the field sites. To decrease the societal polarization, there must be an addition in investing for supplying rents for better quality lodging in both urban and suburban countries, and the authorities should fight to promote the reclamation of the well-known metropoliss and cities. For the auxiliary investing in the demanding urban countries, there is a deficiency of proper planning of the schemes and there is an absence of the incentives for the developers of the market ( EDWA, 1997 ) . It is rather impossible that without these incentives there could be an addition of the lodging in the metropolitan countries. Environmental Sustainability For the suited direction of the lodging, there should be a proper environmental public presentation in the residential countries by concentrating on the wellness impact, human comfort and the environment of the lodging country ( Oleg Golubchikov and Anna Badyina ) . There is an huge demand for the treatment of the environmental issues and many actions are handled by the consciousness of the populace about the environment. Therefore the authorities can play a major function by cognizant the general public sing the environmental issues and can do determinations consequently, and it can be analysed by scientifically understanding the climatic alterations ( Syed Rahman, 2010 ) . Assorted sustainability indexs can be affected by the alterations in the public presentation. To convey some impacts and alterations on the sustainability in the system, there are some semi-quantitative indexs which provide counsel for the sustainable development ( Noam Bergman, Lorraine Whitmarsh and Jonathan Kohler, 2008 ) .Economic and Social Aspects of Sustainable BuildingsThe sustainable development in the society can do a utile influence on the society and the economic system and therefore the market processes can be used efficaciously to analyze the current and future demands of the society into the criterion and drawn-out footings. Furthermore, market processes regulate the sustainable edifice of the economic system and if it is run intoing the demands of the society so it is taking towards the paid development. For the new development of the society, there is a demand to construct superior flexibleness in the close hereafter. However, the most sustainable usage of the edifice design would be to widen the business from criterion to an extended scope. However, it brings the guess that development can be attained in the society by maintaining the monetary values high, whereas the fewer monetary values of the units can besides lend in the development merely as higher monetary values. For a diverse concern and income groups, we can construct at diverse monetary values and supply a diverse scope of rents for the family. Therefore, diverse sizes of the units can be used for little and big concerns and families ( Yvonne Rydin, 2010 ) .Research Strategy/TechniquesResearch SchemeIn a concrete scheme of a research, the ends, intents, purposes, beginnings of roll uping the information and the inquiries for the research should be mentioned ; nevertheless, some schemes of research besides include the research studies, instance surveies, interviews and the observations. Whereas, instance survey plays a polar function for the research worker examine and research the complete image of the undertaking and can tie in it with its aims. It helps the research worker to put the subject of a research and so analyze the inquiries of research in an organized mode and can analyze the information to do a decision.Research TechniquesThere are three diverse types of interviews to carry on interviews to roll up information such as structured interviews, semi-structured interviews and unstructured interviews ( Saunders et al, 2007 ) . There are two widely used techniques to carry on the research ; the present survey is a combination of both manners of research such as the quantitative and qualitative. The quantitative research studies are conducted by the questionnaires to garner mensurable informations, whereas the qualitative manner of research is conducted with the aid of experimental attacks and by carry oning interviews to garner qualitative informations.InterviewsRecognition of the importance of interviews has become widespread in the 2nd half of the 20th century and it appears to be on a rise. With the debut of depth psychology, a alteration of the basic interview technique, it has become more favorable to derive personal information that otherwise might be hard to acquire. It is non unexpected to see its celebrity in research methods in the Fieldss of societal and direction scientific disciplines. The type of interview adopted differs harmonizing to the research methodological analysis that whether it will be conducted face to face or by telephone or via electronic mail.Roll uping DatasThe research application and the values attached to it are based on the ways to garnering information which may possibly be from analyzing books, diaries, magazines, articles and web beginnings. It besides aids in the analysis for replies to research inquiries.Approach to AnalysisIt is necessary to hold some cognition about the particular topic about which the research is to be conducted. This would differ harmonizing to the subject and country research nevertheless ; it will organize the foundation of the survey subsequently on. Interviews and the countries of instance surveies add to the healthy influence of the research. A batch of information demands to be gathered along with observations and a elaborate survey of the assembled paperss to be able to measure and carry on the research decently and in an speckless mode.Research Ethical motivesThis research pursues all ethical concerns during the survey because moralss involved in any research are of high significance at any degree. Research ethics normally involve lawful methods that make certain that the persons ‘ feelings are non harmed nor they are compelled to react. The information gathered is purely used for academic intents and it is unbroken private and confidential and members are permitted to draw out from any question ( Saunders et Al, 2007 ) .

Monday, July 29, 2019


Department of Science and Technology showed (Ambulates, 2010). According to the World Health Organization (WHO), more than 1. Billion adults, 20 and older, were overweight in 2008. Of these, over 200 million men and nearly 300 million women were obese. Studies showed that 65% of the worlds population live in countries where overweight and obesity kills more people than underweight (World Health Organization, 2012). Obesity is one of the greatest banes of our technology centered lives. This problem is evident not only in adults, but also in kids who are spending more time in front of the computer, television or video-game console instead of playing games outside. Since todays busy families have fewer free moments to prepare nutritious, home-cooked meals, the rapid increase of fast food Haines in the country should not come off as surprising. The modern person, though, has started to become aware of this problem. On top of image issues, obesity also poses a number of health-related problems which cannot be taken lightly. The increasing number of weight loss pills, herbal dietary supplements or teas and the fact that Samba has become extremely popular in Zebu, is proof of that (Sun. Star Zebu Newspaper, 2012). These have not yet been completely effective in eliminating the problem, though. Obesity has definitely become a growing problem, but a lot of anti-obesity educations, with fen-peen as the best example, have proven to have very damaging side-effects like lung hypertension and heart valve condition (Fen Peen, 2010). Royalist is also associated with a number of unpleasant intestinal side effects such as loose stools or an urgent need to go to the bathroom and the inability to control bowel movements. It is generally only prescribed as a last resort for weight loss (WebMD, 2013). The researchers have decided to Join in developing ways to eliminate obesity by studying the weight loss potential of Snow Pea pods extract. This, if proven effective, could be a natural way of treating obesity. Snow peas are popularly known as chicory or sisters in the Philippines. They are the most common type of peas found in the country. Peas are low in calories and are good source of fiber, vitamin C, iron, potassium and magnesium (Department of Primary Industries, November 2009). According to a chart provided by the George Maternal Foundation, a cup of green peas contains 30. 3% fiber and 14. 8% protein. Few foods provide us with such substantial amounts of protein and fiber as peas. Dietary fiber, which is found in snow peas, is undoubtedly one of the most talked about nutrients for health promotion and disease prevention (The George Maternal Foundation, Dietary fibers promote beneficial physiological detects including location, bal cholesterol attenuation and blood glucose attenuation or a combination of the three effects. (American Association of Cereal Chemists, 2001). Diets higher in protein and moderate in scars are often thought by experts to reduce blood fats. It also helps maintain lean tissue while burning fat for fuel. And this happens without dieters being sidetracked with constant hunger. Researchers have yet to figure out how protein works to reduce appetite, but it is speculated that it may be because protein causes the brain to receive lower levels of appetite-stimulating hormones (WebMD, 2012). With these information, the researchers hope that snow peas would prove to have significant anti-obesity effects. Objectives of the Study The purpose of the study is to find out the effectiveness of Snow peas Pious stadium vary. Saccharins pod extract as an anti-obesity agent on male albino mice. The study specifically aims to: 1 . Determine the weight loss or weight gained of each mouse and the difference in he weight of each mouse from day 31 to day 45. 2. Determine the percent anti- obesity activity of the test plant extract based on weight loss. 3. Determine the number of times each mouse stands or paws during the five minute locomotors test. 4. Monitor the quality of fecal activity of each mouse t o test the laxative property of Snow peas and check for the presence of fats and oils in the feces through spot test. 5. Determine the constituents present in snow peas pod extract using test tube reaction method. Significance of the Study If proven effective, the research study can serve as one of the basis for future searches, since not much anti-obesity agents were studied by the students of the Department of Pharmacy of the University of San Carols, Zebu City. The study would be a good step in the isolation and formulation of pharmaceutical products using Philippines rich nature, since it considers the potential therapeutic importance of a plant available in the Philippines. The study would promote the planting of Snow peas in the Philippines. Peas are one of the easiest of all vegetables to propagate and grow, giving rather rapid gratification. They will grow satisfactorily in most garden soils. Snow peas are one of the most satisfying vegetables to grow even in small spaces and are ideal as a plant for balconies and courtyards as they could and should be harvested every couple of days. As well as the pods you can also harvest the tender young shoots for salads and stir fried meals. They can be grown just as well in a pot as they can in the ground Just as long as they have a support to climb on to. The study would help minimize, if not eliminate, the problems concerning obesity and excessive fat intake from our diets. This will be made possible by encouraging people to include snow peas in their daily diet. Being overweight or obese puts a person at risk for many health problems. The more body fat a person has and the more a person weighs, the more likely for the person to develop diseases such as coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, gallstones, breathing problems, and CE retain cancers. Witt the help to modern technology, the study can help improve the quality of life of many people. The study will be beneficial not only to the Filipinos, but also to people outside the country. It will encourage people to eat vegetables, which contain a lot of nutrients. Snow peas have important role inside human nutrients. This plant contains protein, energy, fiber, vitamins and minerals which enhance metabolism. They provide a high dose of pectin, a soluble fiber that makes you feel full which may reduce your appetite. Also, it lowers OLD cholesterol reducing the risk of heart disease, regulates blood sugar which may reduce the onset risk or symptoms of metabolic syndrome and diabetes, and may reduce the risk of collateral cancer, and help manage diarrhea. They provide a good dose of thiamine, also known as vitamin 81, vitamin hat plays a role in energy metabolism, helps maintain normal digestion, appetite, and proper nerve function. Protein of snow peas has good source of amino acid. The study also helps discover the incredible weight loss benefits of Snow peas and how much a person should eat to get maximum benefit from these peas. This research can promote awareness for everyone to pay attention to their lifestyle and food choice. Scope and Delimitation The research study will only focus on the potential anti-obesity property of Snow pea pod extract on male albino mice. The Snow peas pod will undergo ethanol extraction then dried in an oven to obtain its extract. The mice will be grouped into eight, with one mouse per group. Groups one to four will be receiving normal diet, while groups five to eight will be receiving high fat diet for a length of one month before testing. Two doses of extracts (500 MGM/ 20 g mouse and 1000 MGM/ 20 g mouse) will be used for the experiment and Royalist will be used for the positive control. Three trials will be conducted for this study. Anti-obesity activity will be determined with the use of body weight, locomotors activity test, and examination of fecal quality. The extraction process, confirmatory test, and photochemical testing will take place during the first semester of S. Y. 2013-2014 at the Department of Pharmacy, Father Robert Hopper Building, University of San Carols, Taliban Campus, Zebu City, Philippines. Definition of Terms Anti-obesity Agent. Substance with possible weight reducing effect administered to the albino mice. Extract. Substance obtained after ethanol extraction, filtration and evaporation of Snow peas pod. Locomotors Activity Test. The mobility test used to determine the capacity of mouse to stand on its rear paws within five minutes. Obesity. A condition characterized by the abnormal or excessive accumulation and storage of fat in the body that presents a risk to health. The test animal is said to be obese if its weight increases by twenty percent of its original weight. Spot Test. A test used to detect the presence of lipids. Lipids leave translucent spots (grease spots) on filter paper. Weight Gain. Increase in body weight of test animals which results from the intake of more calories than needed by the body. Weight Loss. Decrease in body weight resulting trot intake to weight-reducing agent, as weighing. CHAPTER 2 REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES Peas, Pious stadium determine deed by consistent Peas are a member of the Effaceable or legume family, which includes plants that bear pods enclosing fleshy seeds. There are two main kinds of peas: green and edible-pod. Snow peas (See Plate 1) belong to edible pods. Most edible-pod peas have seeds that are not yet fully developed (Calories, 2011). The legume family (Leguminous) takes its name from the Latin legume, or pod. Thesis a two-valve fruit with seeds attached to the edge of the upper margin. The payday be straight, coiled, mounded, flattened, winged, woody, flesh, smooth or hairy. When ripe, they may split open along with the margin or sometimes break into seeded segments. Many seeds are pea- or bean-shaped; all have two cotyledons and an embryo, and can often retain the capacity to germinate for many years. Pods of different species can display a number of interesting features (Millet, 2004). Snow Peas Pious stadium vary. Saccharins or snow pea is a variety of pea eaten whole in its pod while still unripe. In French, snow peas are called mange tout, which meaner eat all, since both the peas and the pods are edible. It is one of the earliest-known cultivated plants, with evidence of having been cultivated in a region that is now along the Thailand-Burma border, 12,000 years ago. Like all legumes, snow peas host beneficial bacteria, rhizome, that fix nitrogen in the soil, which is considered a naturalistic relationship, and are therefore a useful companion plant, especially useful to grow intercepted with green, leafy vegetables that benefit from high nitrogen content in their soil. The snow peas grow up to three inches long (7. 5 CM) with flat, bright green pods that are pointed at both ends. The peas sprout from a blossom that becomes a green leaflet at the stem-end of pods as the peas mature. The pods also have strings along their edges that are usually removed before cooking. The tendrils the vines produce for climbing are also edible and are often used in fine cuisine (Research, 2010). Plate 1. Habit of Growth of Snow Pea Plant Pious stadium vary. Saccharins (Rasa, 2009) ones A: Lead and I F rower (HAD Directory, B Pods (Burped, Snow peas are rich in nutritional value. They are high in dietary fiber, protein and vitamin C. They are very low in Saturated Fat, Cholesterol and Sodium. They are also a good source of Riboflavin, Vitamin 86, Pentatonic Acid, Magnesium, Phosphorus and Potassium, and a very good source of Vitamin A, Vitamin K, Thiamin, Foliate, Iron and Manganese. (The Tucker Patch, 2012) The texture and sweetness of snow peas are at their best when eaten immediately after harvesting. They will also keep for several days in the refrigerator in a plastic bag or container. Snow peas may also be frozen and do not need to be thawed before being added to a dish. Fresh snow peas may be eaten raw as a snack or used as a salad ingredient. They also lend themselves nicely o quick blanching, which enhances their crisp texture and vibrant green color. Snow peas may be added to Asian stir-fry dishes, soups, and pasta. They require very little cooking time and should be added toward the end of the cooking process for optimal texture and color (Helter, 2 The extracts trot the seeds to snow peas nave been shown to have antibacterial properties that may help protect infants and children against certain infections from bacteria such as H. Pylori. Studies also shows that a substance contained in snow peas called glycogen-A has been effective to help overcome one cause of male infertility. Snow peas were proven to increase fertility in some men that are currently considered infertile (Liberating, 2011). Obesity A recent article by Galatea defined obesity as a result of the accumulation of excess fat on the body. It is considered a chronic disease, with many serious long- term consequences on an individuals health. Along with tobacco use and high blood pressure, it is leading cause of preventable deaths (Galatea, 2012). Department of Science and Technology Food and Nutrition Research Institute conducted a study last 2008 which showed that there were about 20 out of 100 Filipino adults of both exes who were overweight in 1998. The figures have then increased to 24 and 27 out of 100 in 2003 and 2008, respectively (Ambulates, 2010). Obesity is normally perceived as something adults would suffer. But according to Philip Chug, obesity in children has doubled the past couple of decades and tripled the past 30 years. Today, among the affluent people around the world, including those in developing nations, obesity afflicts about 20 percent of children aged 6 to 1 1, and more alarmingly, about 10 percent of those aged 2 to 5 are obese. Among those between ages 12 and 19, 18 percent are also obese. The more obese the child, the greater the risk of developing a cluster of health problems and their complications early in life, which includes type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and other cardiovascular diseases. Obesity, in children or in adult, is a significant health danger (Chug, 2012). Obesity and overweight have many causes, including genetic, metabolic, behavioral and environmental. The rapid increase in prevalence suggests that behavioral and environmental influences predominate, rather than biological changes. Direct associations between obesity and several diseases, including aviates mellitus, hypertension, displacement and shamanic heart disease, are well recognized. Despite this, the relationship between body weight and all-cause mortality is more controversial. A very high degree of obesity (IBM > 35 keg/mm) seems to be linked to higher mortality rates (Mailing and Knobble, 2006). Despite the rapidly increasing cases of obesity worldwide, weight-loss medications should only be considered as an adjunct for patients who are at substantial medical risk because of their obesity and in whom non-pharmacological treatments have not resulted in sufficient weight loss to improve health or to prevent regain. The safety and efficacy of weight-loss medications beyond two years of use have not been established (Winooski and Winooski, 2002). Health Risks of Obesity (Abram, et al. , 2009) Cancer. Obesity is associated with a higher prevalence of breast, colon, and endometrial cancers. With breast cancer, risks increase in postmenopausal women with increasing body weight. Women who gain more than Bibb from age 18 to midlife nave double the risk to breast cancer compared Witt women who maintain a stable weight during this period of their life. In addition, obesity apparently increases the risk f breast cancer independent of overall obesity. In women with central obesity, this additional risk factor may be related to an excess of estrogen and a deficiency of sex- hormone-binding globulin to combine with the estrogen. Colon cancer seems to be more common in obese man and women. In addition, a high IBM may be a risk factor for a higher mortality rate with colon cancer. Endometrial cancer is clearly more common in obese women, with adult weight gain again increasing risk. Cardiovascular Diseases. Obesity is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disorders and increased mortality from cardiovascular disease. Studies have confirmed the relationship between obesity and increased risk of coronary heart disease and stroke in both men and women. In addition, obesity during adolescence is associated with higher rates and greater severity of cardiovascular disease as adults. Obesity increases risks by aggravating other risks factors such as hypertension, insulin resistance, low HAD cholesterol, and hyperthyroidisms. In addition, obesity seems to be an independent risk factor for cardiovascular disorders, and obesity may be more important than IBM as a risk factor for death from cardiovascular disease. The increased mortality rate is seen even with modest excess body weight. Hypertension, dyspepsia, insulin resistance, and glucose intolerance are known cardiac risk factors that tend to cluster in obese individuals. Hypertension often occurs in obese persons and is thought to play a major role in the increased incidence of cardiovascular disease and stroke observed in patients with obesity. Metabolic abnormalities that occur with obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus (e. G. , insulin resistance and the resultant hypersensitiveness) aggravate hypertension and increase cardiovascular risks. The combination of obesity and hypertension is associated with cardiac changes (e. G. , thickening of the ventricular wall, schemas, and increased heart volume) that lead to heart failure more rapidly. Weight loss of as little as 4. 5 keg (10 lb) can decrease blood pressure and cardiovascular risk in many people with obesity and hypertension. Diabetes Mellitus. Obesity is strongly associated with impaired glucose tolerance, insulin resistance, and diabetes mellitus. In addition, obesity during adolescence is associated with high rates of diabetes as adults as well as more severe complications f diabetes at younger ages. Dyspepsias. Obesity strongly contributes to abnormal and undesirable changes in lipid metabolism (e. G. Increased triglycerides and OLD cholesterol; decreased HAD cholesterol) that increase risks of cardiovascular disease and other health problems. Gallstones. Obesity apparently increases the risk for developing gallstones by altering production and metabolism of cholesterol and bile. The risk is higher in women, especially those who have had multiple pregnancies or who are taking oral contraceptives. However, rapid weight loss with very low-calorie diets is also as sociated with gallstones. The reason for this may be that rapid weight loss appears to decrease the gallbladders ability to contract bile. But, it is unclear whether very low-calorie diets directly cause gallstones or whether the amount of weight loss is responsible for the formation of gallstones. Metabolic Syndrome. Metabolic syndrome is a group of risk factors and chronic conditions that coco together and greatly increase the risks to diabetes mellitus, serious cardiovascular disease, and death. The syndrome is thought to be highly prevalent in the United States. Major characteristics include many of the health robbers associated with obesity (e. G. Dyspepsias, hypertension, impaired glucose tolerance, insulin resistance, central obesity). Osteoarthritis. Society is associated with osteoarthritis of both weight-bearing joints, such as the hip and knee, and non-weight bearing Joints. Extra weight can stress affected bones and Joints, contract muscles that abnormally stabilize Joints, and may alter the metabolism of cartilage, collagen, and bone. In general, obese people develop osteoarthritis of the knees at earlier a ge and are more likely than non-obese people to require knee replacement surgery. Sleep pane. Sleep pane commonly occurs in obese persons. A possible explanation is enlargement of soft tissue in the upper airways that leads to collapse of the upper airways with inspiration during sleep. The obstructed breathing leads to pane with hyperemia, HyperCard, and a stress response. Sleep pane is associated with increased risks of hypertension, possible right heart failure, and sudden death. Weight loss leads to improvement in sleep pane. Miscellaneous Effects. Obesity is associated with numerous difficulties in addition to those described above. These may include Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, which is being increasingly recognized and which may lead to liver failure Poor wound healing Poor antibody response to hepatitis B vaccine A negative perception of people who are obese that affects their education, socioeconomic, and employment status High costs associated with treatment of the medical conditions caused or aggravated by obesity as well as the costs associated with weight-loss efforts In women, obesity is associated with menstrual irregularities, difficulty in becoming pregnant, and increased complications of pregnancy In men, obesity is associated with infertility In children and adolescents, obesity increases risk of bone fractures and muscle and Joint pain. Knee pain is commonly reported, and changes in the knee Joint make movement and exercise more difficult. Ann-obesity Drugs Anti-obesity drugs or weight loss drugs include all pharmacological treatments intended to reduce or control weight. The two main categories of anti-obesity drugs are: (1) Anti-obesity drugs that act on the gastrointestinal system (pancreatic lipase inhibitors) and (2) Anti-obesity drugs that act on the central nervous system mainly to suppress appetite. Royalist is an example of the first kind of anti-obesity drug that inhibits pancreatic and gastric lipase, which reduces dietary fat absorption and in turn leads to weight loss. Submarine is the example of second kind of anti-obesity drug that promotes a sense of satiety. It is an anorectic or appetite suppressant that reduces the desire to eat. Remonstrant is a recently developed anti-obesity drug. It also acts centrally on the brain and decreases appetite. There are many anti- obesity drugs but some of them have severe or life-threatening side effects. Therefore, they are recommended to be taken only under medical supervision. Prescription weight loss drugs are approved only tort those Witt a B above, or 27 and above if they have other risk factors, such as high blood pressure or diabetes (Pharmaceutical Drug Manufacturers, 2012). Royalist Royalist (See Figure 2) is (S)-2-formulation-4-methyl-pentatonic acid (S)-l AS)-3-hexed-4-ox-2-external] methyl]-decoded ester. Its empirical formula is C29H53N05, and its molecular weight is 495. 7. It is a single discriminate molecule that contains four choral centers, with a negative optical rotation in ethanol at 529 NM (Genetic, 2010). Figure 1 . Chemical Structure of Royalist Royalist is a white to off-white crystalline powder. Royalist is practically insoluble in water, freely soluble in chloroform and very soluble in methanol and ethanol. Royalist is not capable of ionizing within the physiological pH range (Ruche, 2012). Royalist is used together with a reduced-calorie diet to help a person lose weight and to help keep the lost weight from returning. It is also used in overweight people who may also have diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or heart disease. This medicine is available both over-the-counter (ETC) and with doctors prescription. This product is available in capsule (Kenny, 2012). Royalist works by blocking chemicals (enzymes) such as pancreatic and gastric lipase in the gut which digest fat. Nearly a third of the fat that one ingested is blocked by royalist. The undigested fat is not absorbed into the body, and is passed out with the stools. The normal dose is one capsule 120 MGM, three times a day with each meal. However, it is not needed to take one if there is no fat in the meal or if one misses a meal (AIMS, 2012). Royalist can also interfere with the absorption of various medicines and vitamins bind to fat vitamins A, D, E and beta- carotene) and affect the way that they work. Its most notable drug-to-drug interactions happen when it is taken together with a cyclotrons, carbons, emendation, and warring. It is also possible with a contraceptive pill. Therefore, if a person takes royalist he must take a multivitamin supplement at bedtime a time when he will not be taking royalist to help ensure adequate vitamin intake. If a person takes the contraceptive pill and have severe diarrhea en should use other met nods to contraception in addition to the pill to example, condoms. One must tell his doctor or pharmacist about other medicines that they take, before starting on royalist (Kenny, 2012). The common side effects of royalist includes: bladder pain, diarrhea, fever, general feeling of discomfort or illness, loss of appetite, muscle aches and pains, nasal congestion, nausea, sweating, unusual tiredness or weakness, abdominal or stomach pain or discomfort, back pain, difficulty with moving, gas with leaky bowel movements, inability to hold bowel movement, increases in bowel movements, loss of bowel control, oily bowel movements, and oily spotting of underclothes (Micrometer, 2012). Male Albino Mice Most of the mice used in laboratories are white albino house mice (See Figure 3). The mouse has been used in biomedical research since the early 20th century. Several characteristics have made the mouse an appealing research subject. These include the mouses genetic similarity to humans (at least 80% of DNA in mice is identical to that of humans), small size, short lifespan and reproductive cycle, low maintenance in captivity, and mild manner. For these reasons, house mice constitute the majority of mammals used in research, testing, and education. Over ten million mice are used each year in U. S. Laboratories alone, in tests of new procedures and drugs as well as in research involved in the production of biological products such as vaccines (Animal Liberation Front). The average lifespan of a wild mouse is typically one to two years, while mice kept as pets usually live about three years and have survived up to six years. Mice reach sexual maturity at between five and six weeks of age and have tremendous reproductive potential. They breed throughout the year and may produce as many as eight litters in a single year, with the average litter consisting of four to seven pups. Animal Liberation Front). [pick] Figure 2. Male Albino Mouse (Cheerleaders, 2013) Mice should be kept in rooms with the temperature set at about 21. 1 co and humidity at 50%. Lights should not be too bright since most white mice are albinos and too much light hurts their eyes. They are diurnal. Their bedding should not be wood shaving since some wood emits toxic fumes to mice. They should have fresh mouse or rat food and water available at all times. Their bedding should be changed 2 or 3 times a week to prevent the buildup of urea (Florida Atlantic University, 2012). Mice in research facilities are generally fed a polluted rodent diet ad labium. Maintenance diets generally contain 4-5% fat and 14% protein. An adult mouse will consume about 1 5 grams of feed per 100 grams of body weight per day (Subscriber, 2007). The majority of laboratory rodents are albinos, due to a common mutation in Tyrosine gene in all albino laboratory rat strains and in at least some of the albino mouse strains. Tyrosine is the rate-limiting enzyme in the production of melanin pigment. The prevalence of albinism among laboratory rodents is because many of

Sunday, July 28, 2019

SWAT Team Exercise Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

SWAT Team Exercise - Assignment Example Keywords: satellite, maps, SWAT, Google, information, law, features. SWAT Team Exercise Part I: Assessment Figure 1: Satellite Map of the Target Residence 1. How many stories does the residence have? The residence appears to have one story. 2. What direction is the residence facing? B. North 3. Are there any residence located near the target location? A. Yes Describe the residences In figure 1, the first residence appears to be a two-story residence located east of the target location and it has white walls with a grey roof top. It has the main Forest Road passing in front of its large compound that has no fence, but at its backyard, it has trees surrounding it. The residence has no vehicles in its compound. In figure 1, the second residence is a one-story residence that has a football pitch size field with a commercial garage located south of the target location. There are vehicles including trucks, pick-ups and saloon cars at what appears to be a garage. There is a narrow access ro ad to this garage from left that leads to the main Forest Road. In figure 1, the third residence is a one-story residence located northwest of the target location near the main Forest Road. It has no fence, but has scattered dry trees everywhere in the compound. The color of the roof of the house is dark grey with black shadings. The residence has no vehicles in its compound. In figure 1, the fourth residence is located southwest of the target location. The residence has no fence, but has dry trees with a distinct green tree in its compound just beside the main residence. The residence is small with a grey roof. Beside the residence on its left there is a small house that looks like it is under construction with a white car besides it. Beside the residence on its right there is a blue structure bordering the target location. 4. Where are these residence located? E. In figure 1, there are four residential houses. One residence is located northwest of the target location bordering the main Forest Road, while the other residence is located southwest of the target location bordering the main Forest Road. The other residence is located east of the target location bordering the main Forest Road. The last residence is located south of the target location with narrow access road. 5. Does the residence have a fenced backyard? A. Yes 6. Are there any odd or unique entities about the backyard worth noting? (Example are swimming pool, a lot of trash in the yard, vehicles in the yard). In figure 1, the targeted residence has entities in the backyard worth noting. These are described as follow. In front of the garage, there is a red car parked in the driveway in front of a black car. Right of the red car about one meter, there appears to be a small green garden mower. Behind the black car, there appears to be a garage which is in close proximity with the servant’s quarter to its right. On the right of the servant’s quarters, there is a small garden with a whit e fence. About two meters from the servant’s quarter to the right, there is what appears to look like a dog’s kernel. Further to the right about three meters, there appears to be a slightly bigger garden. In the middle of the compound at the backyard, there is a circular concrete structure with about three small monuments. Part II: Narrative Introduction Crime analysis and mapping in law

Reason for Migration of Vietnamase and Chinese to Cabramata Term Paper

Reason for Migration of Vietnamase and Chinese to Cabramata - Term Paper Example The Vietnamese came in large numbers from 1975 after the fall of Saigon when communist forces began to settle down in Cabramatta. Many were fleeing the communist forces that were killing large number of people while many wanted a new life (HSC, 2013). The migrants settled down in the city and while they assimilated with others, the people had their own culture, food and religious habits and many structures were built that present a cultural diversity (Carruthers, 2008). Ethnic residential concentrations display all the basic features related to a territory. They provide a source of identity, they are characterized by substantial degree of exclusiveness and they act to compartmentalize activity spatially (Boal, 1989, p. 50). When ethnic groups migrate, spatial outcomes become important. Ethnic groups can be racial, religious or national in origin and it has its initiation through in-migration. Issues related to homogeneity and social stratification become important. This pattern is seen even in the ethnic Jew regions of Winnipeg, USA (Course Notes 2, p. 56). It is clear that the Vietnamese communities in Sydney do not have a wish to isolate themselves from the wider community by setting up their own inclusive sub-societies or enclaves (Dunn, 1993, p. 234). Positive points of ethnic residential concentration: The world is expanding and many cities of Europe, USA, Asia, New Zealand and Australia have suburbs where people from different ethnic origins settle down. Many positive impacts are observed and these include cross-cultural activities, commercial vibrancy where food and artifacts from different regions are available and these zones become focal points of ethnic-specific institutions. As an example, Cabramatta is considered as a 'slice of Asia' and is now promoted as a tourist spot. Both migrant and Australian White businesses gain from the tourism. Employment opportunities, property prices and taxes for the local municipal corporations grow.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Governance of international football Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Governance of international football - Essay Example To logically comprehend the gist of the topic, it is mandatory to understand the concept of governance, a word quite in vogue in the contemporary world. One of the reasons behind the adoption of governance through different fields like international relations, politics and sports is because of the space of authority and need of monitory force in every aspect of human life. Stated differently, no field in the scene of human existence is devoid of the need for controlling and managing forces. The concept of governance has gone through a constant phase of transition through the passage of time. Previously reckoned as the responsibility of a solitary authoritative body, governance today stands for a collaborative work of local authorities, public departments and voluntary organizations. This changing concept of governance is based on the notion of governance as a steering force which means that the responsibilities of governing bodies keep changing and the modern way of governing is by the delegation of responsibilities rather than the concentration of the duties in a single authoritative body. The second approach of governance that focuses governance as networks also opposes the concentration of power to a single entity and favours the positive relationships among organizations (Heacademy: 2007). Governance of Sports: Background: The emergence of governance concept in sports is followed by a number of factors. It was necessarily because of certain flaws witnessed in the governance of sports at different times that led to the attention drawn towards increasing importance of governance of international sports including football. Some of the noticeable flaws of governance in past include the continued confusion is coming up to any decision for the redevelopment of Wembley Stadium. Similarly, the world of football is not devoid of such shortcomings of governing bodies in the recent past as it is clear by the failed bid for the 2006 FIFA World Cup Finals (Heacademy: 2007, p.2) Introduction to Governance of Sports: Aart Kraay elucidates the concept of governance in different scenarios. If applied to the world of sports, governance means the set up by which the authority in any sport is exercised. The process involves the recruitment and monitoring of governing bodies, ability of the authority to implement the policies made for the concerned sport and the respect of members from different countries participating in the sport (2006, p.1). Since the world of sports is wide ranged, different organizational bodies assigned to different sports are designed to govern a specific sport or group of sports. FIFA and UEFA: Since the topic delves into the workings of FIFA and UEFA in terms of governance, it is essential to build a basic

Friday, July 26, 2019

Connection between Theory and Practice Coursework - 1

Connection between Theory and Practice - Coursework Example heories comprise of theoretical structures defining comprehensive viewpoints for practice and ways of looking at nursing phenomena based on viewpoints. On the other hand, evidence-based practice is the thoughtful and critical use of nursing theories to guide the nursing process (Parker & Smith, 2010). The association between grand theories and evidence-based practice is grounded on the descriptions, predictions and explanations inscribed in the grand theories to respond to questions on nursing phenomenon (Meleis, 2007). The evidence acquired through the study of these questions, due to the degree of relevance and specificity, in turn is more directly applicable to nursing practice (McEwen & Wills, 2014). In essence, grand theories offer an overall framework for structuring of nursing interventions. For instance, a well-defined body of theory such as Orem’s Self-care grand nursing theory offers better patient care, guidance for research and education and enhanced profession status for nurses (Parker & Smith, 2010). In essence, grand theories offer an overall framework for structuring of evidence-based nursing interventions (Meleis, 2007). Professional nurses use grand theories to collect, organize and categorize patient data and understand, scrutinize and interpret patient’s health conditions (McEwen & Wills, 2014). Notably, theoretical concepts from grand theories guide all the stages of nursing processes, including planning, adoption and assessment of nursing care, while also delineating the desired reactions to care and outcomes of care (Basavanthappa,

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Quiz 6 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Quiz 6 - Essay Example It is also helpful for those who have a doubt about the old school of thought related to economics and bridging the gap between past and present concepts. (Brittan, 202) in his book, Backhouse discussed about how Homer and Hesiod’s writing educated the people of Greece and gave them the idea about how life should be lived. The story of society discussed in Iliad and the Odyssey was â€Å"hierarchical, based not on market relationships, but on the distribution of wealth through gifts, theft, prizes for winning competitions, plunder received in war, and tribute paid by defeated cities to their conqueror† (Backhouse, 11) Homer in his writing considered trading as a secondary and inferior way of acquiring wealth as according to him exchanging gift among same rank holders, wining prizes in war was more better way of earning wealth. (Backhouse, 11) There was very little economical data available from the time of Xenophon (c. 430–354 BC) and Plato (c. 429–347 BC) but one it is now a proven fact that economy at that time also based on agriculture. (Backhouse, 14) Later on Aristotle in his concept also discussed about the acquisition of wealth for people’s day to day activities.(Backhouse, 22) In Aristotle’s view there were 2 ways of acquiring wealth, one was estate management and other one was â€Å"getting wealth through exchange†. (Backhouse, 22) People need money to live a good life-this was the concept of Aristotle, and for him hunger for excess money could bring about the difference of class and status in a society. This was the ancient Greek philosophy and it has a great influence on present western thoughts. If one analyzes the concept of neoclassical economics, then it is very clear that both Plato and Aristotle had some key opinion about economics. In Backhouse’s opinion, Plato argued for the subsistence of universals-ideal, pure forms which

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Entrepreneurship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 7

Entrepreneurship - Essay Example disadvantages of this form of business relates to the difficulty to raise capital and lack of continuity in situations when the owner is absent (Canada-Saskatchewan Business Service Centre, 2011). The other form of business is a partnership, which is commenced by a minimum of two or more individual, who owns and manages the business. The partners share unlimited liabilities of the business, and they run the business together. Some of its advantages relate to the ease of raising capital, and partners are jointly responsible for obligations of the business. However, the business has some disadvantages, which relates to the slow decision making and there is a chance of dispute occurring resulting to dissolution of the business. A corporation is a limited liability business owned by multiple shareholders, who elect the board of directors to run the business. The business is distinct from the owner and they are able to borrow money and sign contracts pay taxes and be sued, while profit is gained from the dividends or appreciation of stock, but they are not liable for the company obligations. Therefore, some of the advantages associated with this business relates to the ability to raise funds through sales of stock, while the shareholders are able to transfer their ownership easily by selling stock. The owner has limited liability; thus, it only covers the value of stock in the corporations. On the other hand, some of the disadvantages relate to the restrictions due to regulations and monitoring by government agencies, thus making it more costly to incorporate compared to other forms of organizations. The profit is taxed by the corporate tax rate, and shareholders’ dividends are not deductible from the corporate income. The limited liability companies are simple, and their liability is limited, thus is allows the entrepreneurs to keep their own assets and finances separate from the business. One of the advantages of the limited liability companies is offering

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) Essay

Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) - Essay Example Most people find this depressing and confusing. The calculation of the ability to get aid based on individuals’ financial circumstances may limit some students in getting financial aid and therefore it should be on merit and not on the size of assets owned by individuals and their families. The FAFSA form does not consider the financial challenges that most families live in and therefore most family members find it intimidating. Therefore most families and students fail to go for higher level of education like colleges, since it has over hundred questions and most of these questions are base on the financial wellbeing of parents and families. This becomes a limiting factor to students in need of financial aid. The Free Application for Federal Student Aid process faces challenges because it is ineffective in ensuring college completion by the students because of the complexities involved. Due to lack of finances enough to sponsor education sector, the organizations using the FAFSA process imposes policies that make parents to start paying immediately the students are enrolled in the loans programme. This makes poor families strain even more and hence find themselves in a bad financial situation. Proposal have been made for the Free Application for Federal Student Aid form to be narrowed down to be user friendly but instead more questions were added to the already existing ones to help asses financial situations of students seeking loans and grants in or4der to finance their education. This is a challenging factor because, even if the questions are answered, it does not put into consideration of the high costs of living in various states in the nation. The fact that the accessibility of loans and grants are based on the credit worthiness according to the financial position of the families, most poor families find it

Adventures as an Exchange Student in Germany Essay Example for Free

Adventures as an Exchange Student in Germany Essay Deliberately placing yourself outside of your comfort zone will do one of two things; make you into a stronger better person, or cause you to shutdown and not accomplish the task at hand. While most high school juniors spend their year studying, excelling in sports, hanging out with friends, and thinking about colleges, I pushed my boundaries and embarked on the adventure of a lifetime. No, I did not go skydiving or join the US National Volleyball Team. I accepted the challenge of the Congress Bundestag Scholarship program to spend a year in Germany living, learning, and experiencing life in another land. The life skills and memories that I acquired in the past twelve months have put me a step ahead of my peers and shown me that if I put my mind to it, anything is possible. In October 2002 as I was sitting in my first year German class, my teacher recommended that I apply for what she called the prestigious Congress Bundestag Scholarship to spend a year in Germany. Taking into consideration that I would have to leave everything I had going for me behind, made me a little leery of the idea. However, when I realized what an honor and opportunity it was to take part in an exchange, the mounds of paperwork seemed to shrink into a small homework assignment with a twist. After the final interview, reality hit me. I might actually spend a year in Germany! Along with the excitement came the panic: I cant actually speak German. What should I pack? How do I say goodbye to everyone? What if I get homesick? Do the Germans really only shower once a week? These questions all came at once, and no matter how much I searched, the only answers I could find told me to wait and see. Before I knew it, I was boarding a 737 an route to Frankfurt with 60 of my new best friends who, like me had the courage to enter into the unknown and spend a year in Germany. It was this group of teenagers that I spent a month in language camp with trying to learn the basics about German life and culture. We were like infants who had to do 18 years of growing up in 30 days. We worked together trying to learn the basics such as learning to eat and trying to work a toilet; to understanding the most complicated issues such as diplomacy, political debate, and how to be an ambassador for America. During this time, I grew as a person, learning empathy for those  who were homesick and becoming open minded to people and activities that to me were not the norm or routine. Little did I know, these kids would be my lifelines in times of need. They could always relate to what I was experiencing, and they were also flying on the roller coaster of emotions. When the time came to leave my new friends and move on, I was extremely excited to immerse myself into the German culture. The language, a new school, new friends, and a new family seemed like a dream come true, but in reality it turned into a nightmare. When my host family picked me up, we had a three-hour ride home. Make that a SILENT three hours without air conditioning and five people plus four suitcases crammed into a small Passat. At home, we unloaded the car and I went to see my new room. As I looked out of my window something white and black caught my eye, whoa cows less than ten feet from my window. I could not believe it, my organization said I would live in the country, but I did not realize that the next closest town was an hour away. As my stress level hit a high, my new host mom put me over the edge. She began to unpack my suitcases that were filled with unwrapped gifts for her and the family. It was at that point that I counted to ten and reminded myself that it was a different culture, and possibly that was one of their customs. The only problem was, my German skills were not good enough to politely ask her to stop. So she continued and I smiled and hoped my rocky start would smooth into a healthy open relationship. Three weeks later, I was getting into the swing of things. Going to school, riding my bike and the bus, making friends, and yes getting used to the smell of cows. I was adapting well, being responsible and beginning to understand the German spoken in school. I had gone beyond everyone elses expectations and mine. Life was good, even though the Germans only showered twice a week. After the honeymoon phase was over, my host mother turned on me. She thought I was being disrespectful and not telling the truth, where as the problem was that I couldnt fully understand what she was saying, causing a lack in  communication between us. When I realized this, I worked extra hard to regain her trust and persevere through what I perceived as a small bump in the road. When things worsened and I could no longer adapt to the situation, my community representative intervened and placed me with a new family. Even though my first host family was a challenge, the experience showed my true character. In the face of adversity, I was able to handle myself maturely and attempt to find a solution to the problem. It was not a failure by any means, but an opportunity to grow. Not only did I develop in times of trial and hardship, but I learned just as much in a nurturing situation. During the last six months of my stay in Germany I stayed with a truly wonderful family. I was treated as an adult, and I assumed full responsibility for myself. My host parents generosity of welcoming me into their heart and home made me appreciative of all I had accomplished in the last year, and encouraged me to give back. Through this pattern of giving and receiving I gained a sense of compassion and consideration for others. I surrounded my self with positive people which in turn brightened my spirits and reminded me that when the going gets tough an optimistic attitude can make a world of difference. When I boarded the plane at the end of my year there were only 52 of the original 60 students who completed the program. My commitment and perseverance helped me overcome adversity and succeed in a situation where the odds were against me. Not only did I accomplish the task at hand, but I had the time of my life while doing it. The rewards of spending a year abroad are endless, but I was most affected in a few ways. I learned compassion and acceptance first hand by being treated by others with kindness when I was down. I have become accountable beyond my age by being entrusted with responsibilities that are typically given to a person 22 and over. Now as I move on, I am better prepared for what awaits me. I have a whole new set of life skills and memories to keep in my quiver and use when called on. Pushing myself out of my comfort zone was the best thing I could have done, I was up to the challenge and I passed with flying colors.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Interrelationship between Psychology and Biology Essay Example for Free

Interrelationship between Psychology and Biology Essay Of late Psychologists have shown a keen interest in Biology, which even today is considered a completely different discipline of study by many. However the fact is that both these disciplines are interconnected. Sickness of the mind affects body and vice versa. According to Nidamboor, â€Å"Stress, depression, and other psychological factors make us vulnerable to many diseases. This is so because the relation between mind and health is balanced not only by our own behavior but also by our biological connections. There are links between our brain and the immune system, which sometimes work in opposite directions.† (para. 5) As a result if we are suffering from a biological disease then it affects are behavior, emotions and interactions with others. In order to get to the crux of behavioral problems it is very important for the psychologists to have a fair idea of the biological history of a person. This approach would positively affect the diagnosis and the psychological treatmments that an individual is undergoing. Psychological problems like anxiety disorders, personality disorders, depressive disorders and behavioral disorders have their roots in the biological problems that one is facing. For example if a person is handicapped he might suffer from bouts of depression due to his inability to be normal as others. Similarly if a person is too fat or too thin then too his emotional well being is affected by his biological body structure. He might indulge in inappropriate eating behaviors and might suffer from a feeling of worthlessness and low self esteem. Hence it is extremely imperative for psychologists to get thorough knowledge about a client’s status of biological wellbeing. Since there is an extraordinary link between our minds and bodies imbalance of either would affect the other and perhaps this is why psychologists are so concerned with biology. References Nidamboor, R. (2009). How psychology affects biology. Retrieved April 25, 2009 from   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Economic Man Or Homo Economicus Business Essay

Economic Man Or Homo Economicus Business Essay Job design is a term that is widely used in the management of todays modern organizations structure as a strategy to increase their profitability and productivity. Daft, et al., 2010 It is mainly concerned with the process of planning, setting up and organizing systematic tasks within the organization according to the organizations needs and employees capability. In order for the strategy to be effective and efficient, management put the responsibility to their employees and explains how the implementation process of their organization work arrangement will be in their management system. (DuBrin, 2008) Virtual organization is an association that exists but cannot be physically seen by the naked eye. Its a concept that changed in line with the current vast developments. (Burn, J., et al., 2012) The virtual organization is very flexible and responsive because it does not necessarily require an office to operate but the existence of this virtual organization can be felt and experienced throughout the business process. Thurow (2011) states that business processes refers to the networking system used along the production process which conducted virtually through the way of communicating using electronic devices as the main telecommunication form. According to Parker, Craig and Craig (2008), matrix structured organization has the advantage of giving the opportunity for the top management to develop their skills in conducting and managing project-based strategy as well as gaining experience. It also practices a decentralization decision-making system that encouraging improvements of employees self motivation level as they have the chance to make decisions and act independently. Matrix structure organization also creates the flexibility of cross-communication system in exchanging information and ideas among the team members from different departments which can helps on saving time and cost. ( Gido and Clemens, 2008) Chain of command function as an organization system that showing how the operational and management within the organization works in a systematical manner to ensure efficient flow of work activities. It clarifies the organization reporting system between the subordinates to their superior which resulting as the unity of command. (Madura, 2007) According to Lunenburg and Ornstein (2011), it signifies the continues line of authority from the top managerial position to the lowest levels of an organization that showing the distinctive status, roles, responsibility, and the rights inherit in varies positions of the organization itself. Question 14 Maslows need theory consist of physiology needs, safety needs, social needs, esteem needs and self-actualization needs. Each level must be completely fulfilled before moving on to the next level. (Robbins, 2009) Physiology needs refers to our physical needs. Safety needs are needs of safety and security. Both levels are the low-order needs that can be satisfied internally. The high-order needs that can be satisfied internally are the social needs that seek for love and affection, then the esteem needs that refer to the needs of self-esteem and lastly the self actualization which is the needs of becoming fully matured human. (Shajahan, 2007) Question 7 Scientific management mainly focuses on the application of scientific method of study and also analysis into a problem which occur during management. Scientific Management basically referring on understands what one wants his subordinates to do and see it to be done efficiently and effectively. (Sahni and Pardeep, 2010) According to Murugan (2007), among the principles of scientific management are Science not rule of Thumb, scientific training and development of workers, close cooperation between employees and manager, equal division of works and also responsibility, maximum prosperity of employer and employee and mental revolutions. Question 15 Hackman and Oldhams Job Characteristics Model consists of five characteristic such as skill variety which means variety increases when overcome new problems each day and implementing various skills in completing tasks. Secondly, task identity, where employees working performances is acknowledgeable. Third, task significant is where an employee contributes positive result to the company. Fourth, autonomy is where the employees are given the freedom in planning while carrying out tasks. Lastly, the feedback where there will be an evaluation on employees performance in order to improve any deficiency. (Daft and Marcic, 2010) The application of these characteristic may increase the productivity and produces more motivated and productive the employees. Question 13 Montana and Charnov states the Expectancy Theory of motivation was proposed by Victor Vroom, a business school professor. The theory is more on the individual goal which focuses more on outcomes and their expectations while achieving it. (Jex and Britt, 2008) Employees are able to receive rewards according to his or her performance while working. The theorys method will keep the employees motivated at all times as they hold their personal expectations of the rewards. (Montana and Charnov, 2008) The expectancy of increasing effort by the employees will lead to the increment of performance which will increase the productivity and positive result. Question 10 According to Wright (2010), Hawthorne studies were first attempted by Elton Mayo showing how lighting affected the employees working performance. But it shows that the physical conditions of the workplace do not influence the performance or motivation. In his finding, taking interest in all individual was enough to increase their work efficiency and output. Hence, the Hawthorne Experiment continues to show its result from time to time. Companies which value their employees ideas and opinions will result a higher standard of achievement. (Wong, 2010) This will also increase the ability and self esteem of the employees. Thus, increase their performance and productivity while working. Question 12 Montana and Charnov (2008), states the theory of X and Y was proposed by Douglas McGregor. In theory X, managers will assume that their employees are less ambitious, less responsible, dislike their job and prefer to wait for instructions rather than to lead a task. Managers with theory X are stricter and may threaten their employees to motivate them. But manager who holds the theory Y will assume that the employees are more responsible, willing to do work, more creative and self-directed. Thus, in theory Y the managers will not control much on their employees because they believe that employees are capable to perform well. (Shermerhorn, 2011) Question 16 The effectiveness of an organization internal communication can be improved through creating forum site on social websites such as Facebook and Twitter for discussion related to a matter. (Heath, 2005) Furthermore, any perceptions and ideas proposed by the employees should be considered and not being excluded in order to improve good relationship with other teamwork. Next, employers and employees should also instill proactive attitude to ask when in doubts related to a matter in order to avoid conflicts and distorted message. Lastly, employees should be train on communication skills to improve their self-esteem and communicating potential. (Quirke, 2012) Question 5 Public sectors are basically a bureaucratic government-based organization which normally focusing more on providing services to public rather than making profit. (Lienert, 2009) A simple example of a public sector organization is the government hospitals. The organization emphasizes more on accommodating the health service to the community by providing free to low-cost medical aid. However, privates sectors are non-government owned organization and runs on the main motive on making profit. (Rees and Porter, 2008) For example, supermarket such as Tesco and Carrefour in Malaysia are operated by private enterprises and not the government. Question 6 Planning stage is one of the functional approaches involved in the management process. According to Schwalbe (2006), it concerns activities such as setting goals and objectives of the work in an effort to keep it on track throughout the operation process. Next step would be, create and considering relevant strategies to achieve goals effectively. At last, the final step is simulating plans to coordinate and objectify activities in various possible ways it can succeed. (Lewis, et al., 2006) Within this stage, it requires a lot of critically thinking creativity and innovative aspects from that individual to come out with a radical and quantum ideas. Question 9 Fordism is a term that was named after an American entrepreneur; Henry Ford which was the founder of Ford Motor Company. (Schhlosser and Simonson, 2009) Fordism is a philosophy of manufacturing that being conducted based on the Taylorism theory that emphasizes in machine and efficiency of employees working performance. Fordism philosophy aimed to increase the productivity and reduce costs by adjusting output, set the installation process in phases, and dividing the work into small tasks according to employees expertise. (Blyton and Jenkins, 2007) The effectiveness of the philosophy enables an organization to maximize their profit and performance. Question 11 Personality is an influential matter that affecting a persons decision. It is developed through their education, ways of socialization and nurturing since they were a child.